by watching the tutorials. We highly recommend to watch them one by one in the order they are listed, but you can come back at any time and watch specific one when needed.
If you don't have your own STL files, you can use our parts and try to reconstruct yourself. Download by clicking on the Download link. (Please, read carefully the disclaimer before downloading).
1. Installation
Learn how to install QUICKSURFACE for SOLIDWORKS and how to activate the license.
(approximately 4 minutes)
Watch on YouTube
2. Importing meshes
Learn how to import meshes created with 3D Scanner and get it ready for use as a reference mesh
(approximately 3 minutes)
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3. Setting mesh color
If you import multiple meshes, it is good idea to set color for every mesh so they can be visualy identified easily
(approximately 3 minutes)
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4. Mesh Selection
Selecting triangles of the reference mesh is needed for various tools for surface extraction. With the mesh selection you can define your area of interest or hide areas of large meshes that you don't use at the moment.
(approximately 10 minutes)
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5. Duplicate mesh
Duplicate your original mesh to keep for the future or create areas of interest on the reference mesh and make them as separate meshes.
(approximately 4 minutes)
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6. Main primitives
Learn how to create basic primitives like planes, cylinders and spheres. How to adjust their parameters, create relations and modify them.
(approximately 10 minutes)
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7. Symmetry plane
Learn how to create a symmetry plane of an object.
(approximately 6 minutes)
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8. Fit Surface
Learn how to create a smooth surface which approximates the reference mesh.
(approximately 7 minutes)
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9. Using coordinate system
Learn how to position the reference mesh with respect to world coordinate system using primary, secondary and tertiary features
(approximately 12 minutes)Sample file: Basic part STL Download
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10. Align Mesh to CAD
Learn how to position a scanned mesh to an existing CAD model in the most accurate way
(approximately 10 minutes)
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11. Align multiple scans
Learn how to align scans of same part but from different orientations in the most accurate way
(approximately 8 minutes)
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12. Cross-Section
Learn how to create cross sections from the reference mesh for the purposes of 2D sketching
(approximately 11 minutes)Sample file: Basic part STL Download
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13. Stacked Sections
Learn how to create multi sections for best accuracy for the purposes of 2D sketching
(approximately 3 minutes)Sample file: Basic part STL Download
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14. Fit 2D Sketch Entities
Learn how to make your work more efficient when creating 2D Sketches from scanned data.
(approximately 10 minutes)Sample file: Download
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15. Fit complex 2D sketch shapes
Improve your performance by extracting complex shapes like rectangle, slots and hexagons.
(approximately 5 minutes)
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16. Shortcuts and quick bar
See how to optimise your workflow by quickly accessing the most important features.
(approximately 5 minutes)
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17. Temporary hide meshes in Fit 2D Sketch Entities
Hide or show the main reference mesh while extracting primitives from cross section.
(approximately 2 minutes)
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18. Reverse engineering of simple prismatic part
Try to do it yourself to practice what you learnt from the other tutorials.
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20. 3D Sketch on scan data
Learn how to create points and draw free form curves directly on scan data
(approximately 8 minutes)
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21. Automatic Surfacing
Learn how to convert organic free form surface into CAD model with hit of a button
(approximately 6 minutes)
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25. Increase Resolution, Split and Control Net
(approximately 5 minutes)
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32. Display Surface and Reference mesh
(approximately 7 minutes)
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39. Compare
At any point of your work you need to stay in control - how close your results are with your reference. Learn how to use the compare command in QUICKSURFACE for SOLIDWORKS
(approximately 4 minutes)
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40. Instant Compare
If you use Instant 3D option of SOLIDWORKS, learn how to get more accurate results
(approximately 4 minutes)
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41. Clean Up
When you finish with you reverse engineering work and need to send the file out to your client, remove all your unnecessary data
(approximately 2 minutes)
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42. Decimation of imported mesh
Learn how to reduce the number of triangles of the imported reference messh without loosing accuracy for easier manipulation.
(approximately 6 minutes)
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43. Reduce noise of the imported mesh
Learn how to remove noise from the reference mesh. (approximately 4 minutes)
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44. Unroll mesh
Unroll the mesh using a reference cylindrical surface. (approximately 5.5 minutes)
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45. My tools dialog closes if i press space bar
If you use View Selector while QUICKSURFACE dialogs are open, they close automatically. Disable the View selector to avoid these issues
(approximately 2 minutes)
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46. Brush selection works not as expected
Turn off your global antialiasing
(approximately 2 minutes)
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47. Section view is not working
Uncheck the 'Graphics-only section' option
(approximately 1.5 minutes)
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