Convert your 3D scan to CAD models with Mesh2Surface
What is 3D Reverse engineering?
3D Reverse engineering is an entire process of digitising a physical object with a non-contact or contact scanner, capturing all the features of the object so it is represented in a computer. Unfortunately, the CAD packages do not understand such data. They need to be converted into what is called CAD or NURBS object. This process of converting a noisy data into perfect objects is called '3d reverse engineering'
Scanning the physical object
Use any existing 3D scanner which can generate good quality STL meshes
Import scan data into your CAD package
Use Mesh2Surface to import STL, PLY or PTX file of any size into your CAD software. Build CAD surface from your reference data
Use your ready CAD model
The resulting CAD models can be used further in your processes like machining or simulations