QUICKSURFACE and Mesh2Surface products are developed by KVS Ltd.

Our expertise dates back to 1996 when our team participated actively in making the first hand-held 3D laser scanner in the world and winning an European IST Grand Prize for this. The 3DScanners ModelMaker was soon recognised as the best and most accurate scanner in the industry. The software KUBE was a product to the drive hand-held laser 3d scanning and post-processing of the resulting data. The outcome was one of the world’s most intuitive and easy to use 3D laser scanning packages on the market. Most of the challenges since then were to create very accurate point clouds, to be able to process millions of points and to generate well optimised results. The team was responsible for almost all of the activities related to the software KUBE, research and development. The ModelMaker scanner is still well known nowadays as Nikon ModelMaker.

Kostadin Vrantzaliev, the Product manager of the company, was the head of the original KUBE development.``Thanks to the requirements on my position, I had the opportunity to visit many customers and understand their needs when scanning phisical objects. 3D Scanning is a great step in the whole pipeline, but it is not on its own - you need to do something with the scanned data. This helped me to understand what people expect and gave me the chance to apply this in development of our products. Based on all this experience, we are happy to provide our products the way they are - simple, easy to use, fast, accurate and efficient.``, says Kostadin.


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Cambridge, CB4 3LX
Tel: +44 7938799083

Sofia, 1113
Georgi Bakalov Str, 1
Tel: +359 888209860

Mail: contact@quicksurface3d.com

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    Registered address: Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Brodi Str, N: 30. VAT number:   BG 204034240